Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Ladies and Gentlemen
There is a big news about bullying
in social media. And it's a mystery for us, because there is a child do a
bullying to other child and the child commits suicide. And from that news,
there is question in my mind, "what is the bullying?" And what the
effect bullying for the students in Indonesia? Okey in this time let me to
deliver a speech with the title "School is not Bullying place"
Ladies and Gentlemen
We ever read or heard of a child
who try suicide because bullying. So, what is the bullying? And what effect the
bullying to students psychologist? A psychologist Andrew Mellor say “Bullying
is an experience that happens when a person feels persecute by the actions of
others, and he afraid that the bad behavior will occur again while the victim
feels powerless to prevent it." If we already know the meaning of bullying. I have question to you, "Have
you ever bullying to your friend?" When I think about that question I
remember the school. Why suddenly I remember about school ? We know school is
where the learning place but there is many problem in the school about bullying.
And I think bullying divided two types :
1. Small Bullying
saw, when the boy and the girl at the school and they are working a task, and
we give a respond, and we and others say
"Ehem ehem" yeah, that is fact, that is the small bullying in the
schools , we can feel happy after do that, but our friend who be victim
bullying feel tremendous hurt after the bullying and we cant feel it. Okay, if
we only do it once, but if we do it a few times? What happened? Our friend will
take action who not we would expect, or our friends will experience a mental
2. Big bullying
We saw our friends and the senior
in the school and suddenly the senior (requested our money by force) and our
friend not give the money, and then our friend got beat by the senior. And after
that what happened? The victim will feel depressed because it. Can you feel? If
you be a victim bullying at your school, you definitely feel afraid and phobia
go to shcool. That is a sad thing in this life, And according to data from Japan said that 10%
of the bully victim attempts suicide. And that the bullying is dangerous for
our life. And from now School must make stop bullying organization, for reduce
the problem of bullying in schools Indonesia.
We should be ashamed, ashamed if young generation do
bullying each other, shame if the behavior of our young generation is not good,
and shame if we are affected by the behavior of foreign culture that is not
good, because what? Because we are people of Indonesia, and we are famous
people with courtesy. If it's like this who's to blame? And how to stop
bullying behavior in schools? Tell about that I think I have a tips for stop
bullying in the school :
1. Tell to the teacher at the school
and teach the student to protect himself
you be a victim, This is a effective way, for the average, student will listen
to the advice of a teacher, so if the bullying victim told the teachers, and
the teacher will advice perpetrators of bullying, so he will feel embarrassed
and not want to do it again
Ladies and Gentlemen
From that speech we can make a conclusion that we must
stop bullying at the school or anywhere, because bullying is dangerous for the
life, and come on, be people smart. People who not bullying to others and
keeping the courtesy. “School is not bullying place”. Thats All for me, thanks
for your attention. I hope that everyone is aware of the danger bullying for
life. Thank You very much
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